dental solutions

Dental Implants

Introducing Proximerge

The first significant advance in dental implants since round screws were introduced.

Dental Implant Technology

Treating the “Cause” to Eliminate the “Effect”

Properly shaped dental implants, without the maintenance problems of traditional round implants.

Reduce Gaps Reduce/eliminate interpoximal gaps where food collects
About our dental implants

The Quadric Innovation
Value Propositions

  • 01. For Patients Forget you have an implant; brush and floss without complications; enjoy better oral-systemic health.
  • 02. For Dentists Make your patients happier; greatly reduce peri-implant mucositis & peri-implantitis; enjoy a simpler process.
  • 03. For Hygienists Deliver better, quicker cleaning around implants; reduce patient time in chair
  • 04. For Labs Reduce expense of crown re-do requests; increase one-and-done deliveries of crowns
About Quadric Biomed

Who We Are

We are the unlikely story. A small group who believed we could improve people’s lives. It’s taken years of work. Now, we’re ready to bring our innovation to the world.

Quadric BioMed is founded upon the belief that dental implants can, and should, perform better. Our founder, Dr. Grant, set out to improve them. He succeeded.

His approach was to throw out the old, established ways of doing things. That meant totally rethinking the shape of implants to deliver a product that more closely provides for a natural emergence profile. The result is the Proximerge dental implant, which leverages a modified geometry and a straightforward surgical procedure to benefit patients, dentists, dental labs, and hygienists. It’s the future of dental implants. And it’s here today.

Our dental implant, Proximerge, received clearance from the FDA in October, 2022. With that hurdle behind us, we look forward to improving the oral and systemic heath of millions of patients as we reshape the dental implant industry.


Why Choose Quadric BioMed

Remove Bacteria Havens

Simple Surgical Procedure

Reliable Press-Fit Implants

Modern Manufacturing

The Dental Implant Industry